MORNING DEW!! Apostle Emmanuel Effa


Apostle Emmanuel Effa

Mark 1:35

In the early morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went away to a secluded place, and was praying there.

This practice did not occur when others were up, but before the day began before other people or circumstances demanded his attention. Only at this time could He get what was needed.

 When the Father called Him, He obeyed. He got up. Every morning God wants to have fellowship with us, he knows we are tired from our previous day's engagement, he is only inviting us to revitalize us,only in his presence can we get revitalized, 

Even Jesus's body craved more sleep,Jesus knew His true source of revitalization would not be on His back but on his face. 

Jesus commitment to the secret place was profoundly prophesied in Psalm 110 vs 3 "In the beauties of holiness,from the womb of the morning, You have the the dew of Your Youth." 

The secret place was Jesus's "womb of the morning." It was the place where life was incubated, where creativity germinated, where inspiration gestated, where power percolated. 

When Jesus burst forth from this womb of happy holiness, he was revitalized and energized in the dew of his Youth. He emerged from the secret place feeling young all over again and ready to fulfill the father's mandate.

Sometimes I feel very tired traveling from one region to the other but whenever I go to him he revitalizes me again, This is why we will never get depleted, this is the secret.

This is physical. This is about surrendering our bodies as a “living sacrifice … which is our reasonable service of worship” (Romans 12:1). We think a few hours of sleep are more valuable to us than an encounter with God, preparing us for others and for the day's ministry ahead. No practical step of our day is more vital.


Saints of God as you seek his face this morning may he revitalize and strengthen you on all sides in Jesus name 🙏

Have a blessed day ahead




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