Our Daily Manna Devotional 19 August 2023 TOPIC: THE RUSSIAN GIRL: THE “WORD RE-WROTE HER STORY!

Our Daily Manna Devotional 

19 August 2023



Many years ago, a young woman’s quest for God began when she was 11-years-old, living under atheistic communism in the former Soviet Union.

That’s when she saw some artwork that depicted the baby Jesus. When she heard that this represented what authorities called a “myth” about God sending His Son to earth, she began to seek the truth.

She also heard that God had written a book of His truth, and she searched for a copy. It wasn’t until she was almost 30 that she finally found a Bible she was permitted to read. At last, she had the information she needed to trust Jesus as Savior.

From 1971 to 1989, this young woman risked her own safety to search for the truth of God’s Word. Today, she is a lawyer who works to protect her fellow Russian citizens from religious persecution.

Vs. 92 of today’s Word says: “Unless Thy law had been my delights, I should then have perished in mine affliction.” This applies to the young Russian girl in today’s devotional story! The message of God’s love in Christ is spreading because this woman was a truth seeker!

See also Manna Today 24th February 2022 Never Quitting Prayers

In this ODM vision, we take this booklet which contains God’s Word together with other materials and items to visit Hospitals, Prisons, Charity Homes, markets, motor Parks and streets etc for distribution! We do this every June during the ‘MERCY WEEK’ outreach and October during the ‘ONE NIGERIA, ONE ODM’ outreach!

We use these annual programs to impact lives through God’s Word, physical ministrations and hospitality. Several prison inmates have given their lives to Christ through these outreaches over the years and have physically testified in THE ODM MOUNTAIN, Lagos.

I have also published some of those testimonies in this booklet over the years. Always position yourself to be used by God yearly as you support these outreaches. On your own, let God use you to put this booklet and the Bible in someone’s hands this year.


Take Song 2: When the roll is called…

In your own words, pray about today as led.

Her story was re-written! O God, let Your WORD re-write my own story by fire!

Father, use me to spread Your WORD through this vision in Jesus name.

SCATTER WHATEVER will keep you from spreading God’s WORD or this ODM booklet!

Pray for those in prison and your unsaved loved ones today. 

6. Pray for countries/nations where the Word of God is not allowed openly!

Pray about today and any other issue(s) affecting your peace now.

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