Our Daily Manna Devotional 5 August 2023 TOPIC: SERGEANT ROGERS: TELL YOURSELF THE TRUTH!

Our Daily Manna Devotional 

5 August 2023



5 August 2023 
Some years ago, the largest country in Africa (Nigeria) was shocked when the then Head of State, General Abacha, ruled! He had a KILLER SQUAD headed by the dreaded name, Barnabas Mshelia, a sergeant in the Nigerian army. He was popularly known as Rogers! His squad killed and maimed with glee during the wicked rule of that regime! But he wept profusely in court before giving his testimony, of how he had killed and maimed many. He is said to be a born again Christian now. Is there any wrong habit or action you are trying to justify in your heart? Confess them and forsake them. One of the greatest errors is self-delusion or deception. There is the simple truth, the popular truth and the hard/bitter truth. Always tell yourself the hard truth. Remember that it’s easy to stand with the crowd, but it takes courage to stand alone. You know your character when you are alone. The most important person in your life is yourself. You can’t manage others and the resources God will send your way this year, if you can’t manage yourself. So do a personal environmental sanitation. Check up and clean up! Don’t cut yourself from all that God has for you this year, with your own hands. Psalm 24: 3 says, “Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who shall stand in His holy place? But he that hath clean hands and a pure heart; who has not lifted his soul into vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.” The Word says, “…Whosoever confesseth his sin and forsaketh them shall have mercy”(Proverb 28:13). In the secrecy of your heart, tell yourself the hard truth this year. Don’t allow any secret sin to destroy your lifting this year. Go quickly for a deliverance check-up, if you must.Your family, yourself, your ministry, etc, are not permitted to be stagnant this year, but if you hide iniquity in your heart, the Lord will despise your prayers. May this year 2023 not be wasted. Tell yourself the hard truth, reconcile with God and clean up! Pray seriously now!

Take your best worship song to God now!

In this 2nd half of 2023, the spirit of hypocrisy shall be far from my family and I, in Jesus name. Bind EVIL SPIES NOW!

Fast, use the prayer points in this booklet and deal with the flesh.

Drop any known sin, break every useless relationship, release
forgiveness to people, pay your tithes and vows, and go for a deliverance check-up this week or any time.

Pray about any other issue(s)affecting your peace.
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