Foursquare Gospel Church in Nigeria Grace for Living Devotional Tuesday September 12, 2023 TOPIC: WHEN YOUR WAYS ARE PERVERSE


NUMBERS 22:22-34


“Behold, I have come out to stand against you, because your way is perverse before Me.” NUMBERS 22:32  


It would have been helpful to know how long humanity spent in innocence before the fall! God may have not considered it a necessary secret to reveal to man! But it would appear that man veered off course quite early. Sometimes it is frightening to note that God regretted creating man when He saw that his wickedness was great on earth (Genesis 6:5-7).   

Today’s bible reading tells us the story of a Balaam whose ways scripture says is perverse before God. Balak, king of Moab needed Balaam to curse Israel for fear of attack. Balak sent his elders to hire Balaam, but God told him not follow the people, nor curse Israel because they are blessed. Balaam sent back the people but they returned with stronger persuasion. God knowing that Balaam was interested in Balak’s offer, permitted him to go but to speak only as God instructs. Even the supernatural encounter Balaam had with his ass and an angel couldn’t stop his greedy adventure!  

Greed can cause a man to lose his mind to the point of talking with an ass like Balaam did! Balaam knew God did not want him to do Balak’s bidding, but greed appears to have blinded his eyes and blocked his ears! Does that sound like you!  

When a man’s way is perverse, God becomes just an option, not the only option. Beware, lest you go the way of Balaam.   

When have you desperately tried to subvert the clear instruction of God in a matter? How did it turn out?  


Dear Lord, give me grace to conquer greed daily in my life!


PSALMS 145-148, 1 CORINTHIANS 14:20-4

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