Foursquare Gospel Church in Nigeria Grace for Living Devotional Friday September 15, 2023 TOPIC: GREETINGS OF LOVE AND APPRECIATION



ROMANS 16:1-15

1 I commend unto you Phebe our sister, which is a servant of the church which is at Cenchrea: 2 That ye receive her in the Lord, as becometh saints, and that ye assist her in whatsoever business she hath need of you: for she hath been a succourer of many, and of myself also. 3 Greet Priscilla and Aquila my helpers in Christ Jesus: 4 Who have for my life laid down their own necks: unto whom not only I give thanks, but also all the churches of the Gentiles. 5 Likewise greet the church that is in their house. Salute my well-beloved Epaenetus, who is the firstfruits of Achaia unto Christ. 6 Greet Mary, who bestowed much labour on us. 7 Salute Andronicus and Junia, my kinsmen, and my fellow-prisoners, who are of note among the apostles, who also were in Christ before me. 8 Greet Amplias my beloved in the Lord. 9 Salute Urbane, our helper in Christ, and Stachys my beloved. 10 Salute Apelles approved in Christ. Salute them which are of Aristobulus' household. 11 Salute Herodion my kinsman. Greet them that be of the household of Narcissus, which are in the Lord. 12 Salute Tryphena and Tryphosa, who labour in the Lord. Salute the beloved Persis, which laboured much in the Lord. 13 Salute Rufus chosen in the Lord, and his mother and mine. 14 Salute Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermas, Patrobas, Hermes, and the brethren which are with them. 15 Salute Philologus, and Julia, Nereus, and his sister, and Olympas, and all the saints which are with them.  


“Greet Mary, who bestowed much labour on us.” Romans 16:8  


Mature Christians do not engage in the ministry or service for the church because they desire people’s praise and human accolade. So, it is expected that nobody will get offended if they are not rewarded by men. However, love greetings and appreciation for good service are scriptural, and many times these even weigh far more than cash or material rewards for some church leaders.  

One bright afternoon while on vacation after my retirement from my secular work, I received like ten emails from seven different persons from a duty station in a country I had worked some nine years back. The emails all had a common subject - thanking me for all that I did to teach and encourage them while I was with them. I felt so excited. My daughter who noticed my ‘beyond normal excitement threshold’ asked me, “daddy, what’s up?” I told her my story! She was also so happy for the good things the writers said. I was deeply encouraged.  

Paul, in the bible reading of today, carefully and deliberately sets out to greet and appreciate the leaders, workers and labourers in the churches in Rome. Paul mentioned names and specified their roles in the church. He uses the words ‘greet’ and ‘salute’ at least 14 times between verses 3 and 15! Paul’s action shows that he regarded the people’s relationship with him, and their devotion to Christ and the faith.   

Do you greet and appreciate the pastors and workers in your local church or fellowship?  


Dear Lord, help me to appreciate in word and action all you have sent my way to bless my life.



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