New Generation Grace Ministry Daily Devotional Tuesday September 26th, 2023 Title: Do not put your Trust in human.


(Psalm 146 1-10). 

Praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord, O my soul!

2 While I live I will praise the Lord;I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.

3 Do not put your trust in princes, Nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help.

4 His spirit departs, he returns to his earth; In that very day his plans perish.5 Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, Whose hope is in the Lord his God, 6 Who made heaven and earth,The sea, and all that is in them; Who keeps truth forever, 7 Who executes justice for the oppressed,Who gives food to the hungry.The Lord gives freedom to the prisoners.

8 The Lord opens the eyes of the blind;The Lord raises those who are bowed down; The Lord loves the righteous. 9 The Lord watches over the strangers;He relieves the fatherless and widow; But the way of the wicked He turns upside down. 10 The Lord shall reign forever Your God, O Zion, to all generations Praise the Lord! 

Praise takes our minds off our problems and shortcomings and helps us focus on God.(Vs2) Praise leads us from individual meditation to corporate worship. Praise causes us to consider and appreciate God’s character. Praise lifts our perspective from the earthly to the heavenly. Praise prepares our hearts to receive God’s love and the power of His Holy Spirit. 

(Psalm 146:3-9) . The psalm writer portrays powerful people as inadequate saviors, making false promises they cannot deliver (Vs 3). God brings hope and help to those who are in need. Jesus affirmed this concern for the poor and afflicted in (Luke 4:18-21 and 7-21-23). He does not separate physical needs from spiritual needs but attends to both. While God (not man) gives hope for those in need. We are His instruments here on earth to help make it happen. 

God’s plans frustrate the ways of the wicked because His values are the opposite of the world’s. Jesus turned society’s values upside down. When He proclaimed that many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first. (Matthew 19:39) and who ever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it(Matthew 16:25).

The present world chooses gods of power and self-development, Jesus revealed that God is loving and taught His followers the path to greatness through service and self-sacrifice (Mark 10:42-45). Don’t be surprised when others don’t understand your Christian values, at the same time don’t give in to theirs. Put all your trust in God, not in man because, man can always disappoint you. God’s blessings always flowing!. 

Prayers:Help me oh Lord to always put all my trust in you because you promised that you will never leave us nor forsake us. Help me to look unto you , the author and the finisher of my faith, Hallelujah!!! 

Further Reading: Matthew 16.

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