Our Daily Manna Devotional 14 September 2023 TOPIC: HOLD ON! THE LORD SHALL LAUGH AND MOCK THEM!


Jesus WEPT in Luke 19:41 and at the grave of Lazarus! But Psalm 2:4 says: “He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; The LORD shall hold them in derision.”

We don’t often think of God as laughing, but Psalm 2 tells of a special reason why God laughs. Here, God laughs because man thinks he can plot and work against HIM with any hope of success. WHEN YOUR HATERS ARE PLOTTING AGAINST YOU, GOD MAY SEEM QUIET, BUT HE SEES THEM AND LAUGHS!

It says in the first few verses of Psalm 2: “Why do the nations rage, and the people plot a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD and against His Anointed, saying, ‘Let us break their bonds in pieces and cast away their cords from us” (Psalm 2:1-3).

God’s response? “He who sits in the heavens shall laugh.” God looks at the way man plots against YOU HIS BELOVED CHILD and He laughs. God isn’t afraid or confused or depressed concerning various opposition against you! God laughs at them.

Don’t forget that whatever touches you touches the apple of His eyes! Ah! God laughs because He sits in the heavens. He sits as the Great King on a glorious throne. He doesn’t pace back and forth in the throne room of heaven, surprised and wondering what He should do next.

No! No! No! God sits in perfect peace and assurance! He doesn’t even rise from where He sits; God simply laughs. God laughs at the proud men or women who think so highly of themselves that they think they can fight against God and seek to prevent His will from manifesting in their lives! Yea!

The LORD shall hold them in derision! “DERISION” means MOCKERY and RIDICULE! I prophesy: God will MOCK, RIDICULE and CRUSH every POWER against your destiny peace in Jesus name!


Take your best worship song to God now!

In your own words, pray on today’s devotional as led now.

LORD, hold my adversaries in DERISION – LORD, MOCK THEM! LORD, RIDICULE THEM! LORD, CRUSH AND LAUGH AT THEM in Jesus name (Pray seriously).

No weapon fashioned against my destiny shall prosper! 

Pray for your family and helpers today! 

Pray in Tongues now. 

4. Pray for your children/grandchildren today!

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