Our Daily Manna Devotional 17-09-2023 TOPIC: A CHILDHOOD LESSON: “I DID MEAN TO PUSH THE MOWER”

Daily SCRIPTURE: HOSEA 14:1-9 

A child learned a painful lesson from an act of disobedience. His father, who had been mowing their lawn, interrupted his work to go shopping. He left the push mower standing near some flowers and ordered him not to touch it while he was gone. But he disobeyed him and gave it a push. To his shock, the mower veered and knocked over several flowers. When his dad returned, he blubbered, “I didn’t mean to do it!” Wisely, his father replied, “Why did you do it then?” “I knew the truth’ said the boy, ‘I did mean to push the mower.”He was saying that HE KNEW WHAT HE WAS DOING WAS WRONG! The story above teaches us to be sorry for our disobedience to God and not just the consequences. Hosea 14:2 says: “Take with you words, and turn to the LORD: say unto Him, ‘Take away all iniquity, and receive us graciously: so will we render the calves of our lips.” God is gracious in forgiveness, and He is willing to forgive your disobedience. All He requires from you is your sincerity and open mindedness. God hates cover-ups and TRYING TO JUSTIFY WHY YOU SINNED! He wants your sincerity because indeed, there is nothing to hide from Him who is the all-knowing God. Yes, tell God honestly that you knew His will but chose to disobey, and cry out for His mercy (See Proverbs 28:13). Repentance keeps the way clear in your walk with God and ushers you into the realm of peace and spiritual serenity! Use today’s devotional to repent from any disobedience against your God because satan can use it against you to accuse you.

Pray now! It Takes A Year To Prepare For The January World Anointing Night. Let God Use You! People’s Testimonies Shall Provoke Your Own. Sow Your World Anointing Night Seed To: Manna Miracle Mountain Ministry (Jwan) Uba Acct No: 1015310823.


Take Song 1: Amazing grace…

In your own words, pray about today’s word as led.

Repent from any known act of disobedience to God now. Lord,

show me mercy!

Satan, you CANNOT accuse me this day and this year! You cannot

slow me down because of secret sins. I repent from the following

sins/bad habits and decree that THE BLOOD OF JESUS IS AGAINST YOU (mention any secret or open sin now). 

Read Proverbs 28:13 and pray seriously now.

O God, take away my iniquity and receive me graciously today; let the

voice of the accuser be silenced concerning me in Jesus name.

Pray about today as you are led.

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