KEY VERSE: "And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:" 1 John 5:14

TEXT:1 JOHN 5:11-15

Jane was at the back of their house playing' with her friend Martha. She told Martha of the wrist watch her dad promised to buy for her and was sure that he would buy it. Suddenly, she got a call from her mom that her dad had arrived from work. She quickly left her friend and ran to meet her dad who was waiting to receive her with open arms. Jane immediately asked her dad for her gift. He handed over the beautiful wrist watch to her. Jane was full of joy as she ran to show her friend the new gift.

The story of Jane teaches us a lesson that whatsoever we ask of God in the name of Jesus Christ we will receive, if it is according to His will and it is done in faith. There are requests that are not according to the will of God, like asking God to kill your neighbour or praying that your classmate should fail or go to hell. God will not answer that kind of prayer. He only answers prayers that are according to His will.

Therefore, you have all the power in your hands today to ask all the good things you desire from God. He will surely grant your request. Remember, you must ask in faith, which means, you trust Him that He will answer your prayers.

PRAYER: Father, answer my request as I ask according to your will.


Matthew 7:7-11

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