KEY VERSE: "For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee." Isaiah 41:13

TEXT: ISAIAH 41:10-14

Discouragement means loss of confidence or enthusiasm. A discouraged person feels dejected and hopeless. When people are discouraged, they express grief. They are sad, withdrawn and may lose interest in matters that even affect them. Discouragement can lead to prayerlessness, backsliding, sicknesses, failure and untimely death.

Mary had just lost her chance to gain admission to a prestigious school because her parents could not afford to pay for the entrance examination. She became discouraged, thinking there was no hope for her again in life. She sobbed all day, she was no longer prayerful and soon her attendance in church services was no longer regular. Before long, God spoke to a family who provided Mary with all that she needed to get the admission. She did the examination and came out as the best candidate. She became happy again and grateful to God for His love and mercies in making her recover from her state of discouragement.

The remedy to discouragement is the word of God. Whenever you feel life is not treating you fairly, you must not give in to discouragement, rather, spend time on God's word and pray. You will surely receive a lifting from the Lord.

PRAYER: Lord, help me whenever I am discouraged to look up unto You and be lifted up.


Joshua 1:6-9

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