Our Daily Manna Devotional 15 October 2023 TOPIC: THE TWO DONKEYS! THE UNIVERSITY OF HUMILITY – 2


Welcome to this life university of humility! Remember the story of the two donkeys and their great conversation (yesterday’s devotional)! The second donkey replied the first donkey thus: “Without Jesus, you are nothing.” As 2023 ends, never forget William Cowper: Knowledge is proud that it knows so much; wisdom is humble that it knows no more.” So true! Then Harold B. Lee opined: “Stay true in the dark and humble in the spotlight.” But how many people can do that without struggling to be seen? I remember the wise Lou Holtz: “Humility is the key to success. The moment you think you’ve achieved it all, that’s the moment you’re most vulnerable.” That was LUCIFER’S ETERNAL MISTAKE (today’s scriptures)! He thought he had arrived.I have always jumped at the wisdom of Dwayne Johnson: “I’m always asked, ‘What’s the secret to success? But there are no secrets. Be humble! Be hungry. And always be the hardest worker in the room.” In a generation where everyone wants to be the boss or to be served, this is wisdom! That is why I totally agree that success is not a good teacher; failure makes you humble! Let’s drink from the archives of Rabindranath Tagore: “A genuinely humble person humbles himself even before those who should be humbled by his presence.” Indeed, we come nearest to the great when we are great in humility. Always be the first to apologise! Be the first to greet! Look for odd jobs to do in church! Stop fighting to be seen! Call others “sir” or “ma’am.” It will not reduce your destiny! It will FIRE YOU UP to your throne! This is because a great man is always willing to be little! Close with Shah Rukh Khan: “Be kind, work hard, stay humble, smile often, stay loyal, be honest, travel when possible, never stop learning, love always.” Remember LUCIFER! Stay HUMBLE! (Give out ODM COPIES as led). 

JOIN ME TONIGHT 8PM-9PM LAGOS TIME ONLINE – PROPHETIC FIRE PRAYERS! Via Facebook Live: “ourdailymannaworldwide; Instagram Live; ourdailymanna_bishopchris & Youtube: Manna TV International. Be ready to pray! Sometimes I am led to call NAMES and release a Prophetic WORD /direction/ Warning for those who log in. This is your day! (Also, expect a crucial health TIP every Sunday Night).

Take Song 3: Higher ground…

Pray about today’s word in your own words.

LORD, You must INCREASE AND I MUST DECREASE as 2023 ends and 2024 begins!

The portion of LUCIFER shall not be my portion! 

I shall remain HUMBLE BY FORCE!
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