Our Daily Manna Devotional 23 October 2023 TOPIC: THE DECEITFUL




An old carpenter about to retire was telling his boss about his plans to stop working with civil engineering construction and enjoy life with his wife and kids.

He was so excited about retiring that he wasn’t even looking forward to the paycheck of that month. All he wanted was to retire. The boss was upset about losing a good worker and as a personal favour asked the man to work on the construction of one last house.

The old carpenter didn’t want to accept it but he couldn’t deny his boss one last favour. So he took the job, but it was clear that his heart wasn’t in it. He just wanted to get it finished and over with.

Consequently he was careless and ended up using bad quality materials in the construction of the house. It was a sad way to finish such an excellent career with so many years of total dedication. When the house was done, his boss was there to inspect it.

He gave the key of the house to the old carpenter and said, “This is your house. It’s a gift for you after so many years of hard work.” The carpenter was shocked “What a shame!” he thought.

“If I had known it was my house I would have done things differently.” The agony of his action haunted him till death. OH! LIFE! The Holy Ghost is reminding you today that you are the carpenter of your own life! You are constructing your life by your words, actions and thoughts!

Life is a do-it-yourself project. So do it right. The easy way out is not always the right way out! Listen: Some- times you face difficulties not because you’re doing something wrong, but because you’re doing something right.

Yes! LIFE IS A BUNCH OF SOWING AND REAPING what you sow! The things you do in secret (your seeds) will be the CHIEF DETERMINANTS of what you will REAP later!

Live as though the whole world is watching you! The carpenter in today’s devotional story forgot that WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND to haunt you later!

He forgot that your sins will find you out ((Numbers 32:23; see Isaiah 59:12 again)! If thou doest well even in secret, thou shall be accepted (Genesis 4:7). (For Prayers Against DELAYS – See page 20 (pray it 7 times daily).


Take Song 3: Higher ground…

Pray about today’s word as it has touched you!

2.Repent from cheating, lying, deceit and hypocrisy! REMEMBER HEAVEN AT LAST!

I receive grace to live right and do well in secret and in public. My HARVEST will not HAUNT ME!

LORD, EXPOSE every evil association around my life, family and ministry!

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