Our Daily Manna Devotional 3 October 2023 TOPIC: MOISHE AND THE ROBBER! DON’T PANIC!



Begin today’s devotional with this inspirational story: Moishe the carpenter, returning home with his week’s wages, was attacked by an armed robber on a deserted street.

“Take my money,” said Moishe, “but do me a favour: shoot a bullet through my hat otherwise my wife won’t believe I was robbed.” The robber obliged. He threw Moishe’s hat into the air and put a bullet through it.

“Let’s make it look as if I ran into a gang of robbers,” said Moishe, “otherwise my wife will call me a coward! Please shoot a number of holes through my coat.” So the robber shot a number of holes through the carpenter’s coat.And now..” .” continued Moishe. “Sorry,” interrupted the robber. “No more holes. I’m

out of bullets.

“That’s all I wanted to know!” said Moishe. “Now hand me back my money and some more for the hat and coat that you’ve ruined or I’ll beat you black and blue!” The robber threw down the money and ran away.

This is WISDOM and GOOD ATTITUDE! Your attitude to what you are going through can change the entire situation to your favour. Rather than panic, you can decide to be in charge.

With divine wisdom, what is done to threaten you can be turned into an opportunity that makes you score cheap victory. With Jehovah Over-Do in you, behind and beside you, you have no reason to panic. Whatever you are going through, God will give you awesome wisdom that will enable you to look at great challenges and stand tall.

THERE IS ALWAYS A WAY OUT OF EVERY CHAL-LENGE! Panic is not your portion! Today’s Word says, in return-ing, rest, quietness and confidence shall be your strength.

Whenever the devil wants to try to make you panic, is when to show your strength (Isaiah 30:15). “Fear not, neither be faint hearted” (Isaiah 7:4). May God reveal the SOLUTION to that challenge to you from this day! Stop panicking!

Your confidence and quietness causes the devil to PANIC! Hold on and hold out!

Give out at least 8 ODM copies, then send a message to; [email protected] and I shall send you prayers on: “I SHALL END THE YEAR WELL


Take Song 1: Standing on the promises…

Pray about today’s word as it has touched you!

Ask for UNCOMMON WISDOM to deal with challenges!

BIND worry and PANIC now! Pray in Tongues now!

I shall not be STRANDED in any battle (Pray it 7 times). 

Pray about today now! Pray the 404 prayers as led!

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