Our Daily Manna Devotional October 14 2023 TOPIC: THE TWO DONKEYS! THE UNIVERSITY OF HUMILITY!


There is a story of two donkeys who were passing by Jerusalem just a day after Jesus’ triumphant entry. One of the donkeys said to the other, “Just yesterday when I carried Jesus, these people were shouting and hailing and spreading their cloaks for me to walk on. Today they don’t even see me, as though I don’t exist,” to which the other donkey replied, “Without Jesus, you are nothing”. Wow! Without Jesus, we lose our purpose and being. I like the catchphrase of the popular Nigerian soap opera “SUPER STORY” of those days which says, “We are nothing but pencils in the hand of the Creator.” Such an awesome catchphrase! Jesus is the partnership that works! In everything that you do, you must see the LORD as your source! Without Jesus, you are nothing!The day you start seeing yourself as a SUPERSTAR, that is the day you will realize that you are just some piece of common dust and your labour is on a foundation of sinking sand! BE HUMBLE ALWAYS! To be successful, it is also very important to be humble and never let fame or money travel to your head. Hear John Wooden: “Talent is God given. Be humble! Fame is man-given; be grateful! Conceit (pride) is self-given; be careful!” The Bible says in today’s 1st scripture Vs. 4: “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine…” You cannot bear fruit unless you remain in HIM. Connect yourself daily to Him as your source of life and success, and you will NEVER BE stranded! Camille Pissarro quipped: “Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing.” Close with Ralph Waldo Emerson: “A great man is always willing to be little.” Learn this lesson in this life university of humility!


Worship the LORD with a song in your native language!

Pray about today’s word in your own words.

Father, endue me with Your purpose in Jesus name.

The donkey realized that people were praising and bowing to it BECAUSE OF JESUS! Repent from any area of pride in the


Lord, it must be MORE OF YOU AND LESS OF ME from this day! 

I refuse to share the glory with You. Pray about the last

days of 2023. 

Dedicate your life to Jesus again.

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