Matthew 26:26-28; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26

Jesus gave His life for us so that we could have His life. Any matter you break bread over has been moved from an emotional matter to a covenant matter because that is making a claim that God cannot refuse. When people want to invoke supernatural forces of darkness against another, they go into some levels of covenant.

There are certain demands that only a wife can make of her husband, or only a man can make of his wife, because of the covenant between them. So, when we talk about the Communion table, it’s not just that we gather together to eat bread and drink wine, but we are standing on a covenant ground, and that’s the place and time to bring your requests.

I can’t think of anything else that can give you a stronger solid ground of faith to stand on than the Communion table.

A wife doesn’t need any special faith to bear her husband’s name. She has every right given by the act of marriage to answer to her husband’s name. If you understand the covenant nature of our relationship with God, you will know that you don’t need any special faith to use the name of Jesus. The act of breaking bread is re-enacting the covenant before God again. We are the beneficiaries of this covenant as believers. God cannot look at us the same way He looks at every other human being.

PRAYER: Lord, awaken in me a deep understanding of the amazing power of the Holy Communion You have made available to me, in Jesus’ name. Amen!

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 4:19-6:15; Colossians 1:18-2:7; Psalm 77:1-20; Proverbs 24:23-25


Rev Oyenike Areogun invites every female: all grandmothers, mothers, wives, single ladies, and teenage girls to the upcoming 50TH EDITION OF THE ALL NATIONS WOMEN CONGRESS ON WORLD EVANGELIZATION, coming up on the 20th and 21st of October 2023 at the HQs of The Dream Centre of the Life Oasis International Church, Oshogbo.


Time: Friday – 5pm to 9pm & Saturday – 7am to 3pm.


The theme for this year’s Congress is: “FIRST THE BLADE, THEN THE EAR, AFTER THAT THE FULL CORN IN THE EAR” Mark 4:28 (Exploring God’s secrets for progressive Growth for maximum productivity).


Ministering under the power of the Holy Ghost will be:

Rev Olusola Areogun: the General overseer of the Dream Centre of the Life Oasis International Church and other anointed servants of God.


There will be various workshops for career women and businesswomen; for marriage and family matters; and for destiny and calling matters.

You can register for the 50th All Nations Women’s Congress on World Evangelisation at: https://solaareogunministries.org/anwc


For further enquiries, you can call: +2347034944020, +2348037252124, +2349079912254 or send a mail to [email protected]


Come! All things are ready!

Jesus is Lord! 


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