Our Daily Manna Devotional 27 July 2023 Topic: ALTAR ATTACKERS; RUN MAD! BASIC SCRIPTURES: GENESIS 12: 7-8

 Our Daily Manna Devotional 

27 July 2023



One of the secrets of Papa ABRAHAM was that HE WAS A MAN OF ALTARS! An altar is a place of communication between you and your God.

Genesis 12: 7 says – “And the LORD appeared unto Abram, and said, ‘Unto thy seed will I give this land: and there builded he an altar unto the LORD, who appeared unto him.” Each time God spoke to Abraham, He rushed to BUILD AN ALTAR! Wow!

If you want to be great and make impact on planet earth, YOU MUST BE A MAN OR WOMAN OF ALTARS! Pat Francis quipped: “A Spiritual Altar represents a meeting place for a personal encounter with God, a place of dedication, consecration, covenant, and intercession.”

If the devil can attack your altar, if he can make you to postpone or procrastinate concerning your prayer and WORD times, then you are CAPTURED like SAMSON!

Vs. 8 says: “And he removed from thence unto a mountain on the east of Bethel, and pitched his tent, having Bethel on the west, and Ai on the east: and there he builded an altar unto the LORD, and called upon the name of the LORD.”

That was the secret of DAVID and ELIJAH TOO! Never forget that Elijah had to arrange the wood soaked in water before the FIRE COULD FALL!

Hear this: Fire does not fall on empty altars! Your altar is EMPTY when there is no Word DISCIPLINE! Your altar is EMPTY when there is no water – YOUR HEART and INTENSE love for God!

No wonder Robert Adzewoda penned: “On the altar of your knees is where Divinity meets Humanity.” BE A MAN AND WOMAN OF ALTARS! Resist every plan to ATTACK YOUR ALTAR and you will never know shame!

No matter the matter, HOLD ON AND HOLD OUT! Pray seriously now!


Take Song 3: There’s not a friend…

Thank God for today’s word and pray as led now.

Satan too has EVIL ALTARS! Pray now – Every altar of wickedness that has been erected to truncate my life shall be silenced by the power of Jehovah!

I make a decree now: ALTAR ATTACKERS, run mad! Run mad!

Run mad now! (Pray it seriously till you have peace to stop).

Holy Ghost, baptize me with a new FIRE FOR MY ALTAR! REVIVE ME AGAIN (Pray in Tongues for 10 minutes).

I refuse to postpone my ALTAR times from this day! I shall do it by force!

Pray about today and LOOSE REVIVAL FIRE 7 times!

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