When it comes to the use of our talents and gifts, some of us may be called to reach the masses, but many of us are simply required to use our gifts and talents faithfully for one person so that he or she may be released for ministry.

Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola did so much for the LORD in his days and till today we cannot deny the impact of the life he lived.

The impact of Babalola has transcended generations and denominations. But little do many know that there was actually a man of God based at Ipetu Ijesa by the name, Joseph Fapohunda who invested himself into the young Babalola shortly after he was called into the ministry in 1928.

Fapohunda may not have been a blessing to many people, but he successfully mentored a man who was a blessing to many.

You may not be sent to nations. It may be one man or woman somewhere that God is sending you to. Prayerfully locate that person and do your job.

All of us may not end up becoming celebrities, public figures and famous people in the real sense of it, but if by your life, people are knowing God, receiving salvation and discovering their destinies, then you are a real MVP.

You may not be a celebrity to the people of the world but if by God's grace, you are increasing the population of God's kingdom and depopulating the kingdom of darkness, Heaven celebrates you.

I hope I have made little sense to someone this evening?

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