Our Daily Manna Devotional 24 August 2023 TOPIC: SATAN; YOU CANNOT SILENCE THE VOICE OF MY PRAISE! -1


Our Daily Manna Devotional 

24 August 2023



I saiah 12: 5 – 6 says: “ Sing unto the LORD; for He hath done excellent things: this is known in all the earth. Cry out and shout, thou inhabitant of Zion: for great is the Holy One of Israel in the midst of thee.” The Holy Ghost is reminding you that one of the things you should learn to do as a child of God is to always be grateful to your God! Yes, NO MATTER THE LEVEL OF ADVERSITY, DEPRESSION, DELAY OR PAIN you are passing through, learn to sing, shout and cry aloud to everyone who cares to listen about the greatness and awesomeness of God in your life, family and ministry! There will always be one battle or the other confronting you, but do not allow them to silence the voice of your praise. Tell that devil and battle, ‘you cannot cease my song and you cannot stop my praise.’ That’s why David the psalmist, encourages you to bless/ thank God and be grateful for all His benefits (See Psalm 103:1-5). No matter how the year has been, always remember that irrespective of what you are going through and despite your life’s story, there are many who have passed through that road, so you are not alone. That is why you must learn the act of being grateful to God. Do you know that the qualification that gave you a job is the same qualification that someone has, but doesn’t have a job; be grateful! The man who officiated at your wedding, blessed your marriage and today you have children, is the same man who officiated and blessed other people’s marriages, but they are still crying for children and some eventually ended up in a divorce; be grateful! Oh! The prayer God answered for you is the same prayer others have been praying without success yet; be grateful! The road you use safely on a daily basis, is the same road many others died on; be grateful…..

(To be continued tomorrow). 


Take any song of worship as led.

1 Lift up your voice and begin to praise God with your best

songs now!

2. Repent from ways in which you have been ungrateful to God


3. Lord, I refuse to murmur and complain about any unfulfilled

expectation. Show me mercy, O Lord!

4. Thank God for His benefits in your life, family and ministry

since the year began.

5. Lord, I am grateful for the gift of life and for bringing me thus

far in my life’s journey.

6. I command any hanging benefit and blessing to locate me

now by fire in Jesus name

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