I drove by a fuel station under construction sometime back. That was the first time that I was seeing such or probably paying close attention. I noticed they were burying tanks – one for Petrol, another for Diesel, and I guess the last was for Kerosene. I saw three tanks. 

It then struck me that when tankers come with fuel from the depot, they empty their content into the buried tanks. The truth is, if there are no buried tanks, there is no fuel station. 

On your journey towards marriage or in your marriage, your assignment is to bury tanks for your marriage and home. If you desire to have settled matters in prayers before “the need to pray” (that others wait for) arises, you cannot afford to be 'fuel stations without buried tanks.’ You must not look all colourful on the outside with the sparkles of romance and the ‘gish gish’ of love without the depth of payer. 

If you have the time to check on wedding vendors without time to pray, you have left the doors open for the enemy of great marriages and homes. 

There is nothing more that sustains a home than spirits that are bonded. The finest time to begin the bonding of spirits is long before you ask out the woman or before you say yes to the man. Honestly, you do not wait for the man or woman before you begin to intercede for her. It is easier to recognize who you have been praying for.

Today, if you are still single, begin to pray for your future spouse early enough. It is called burying tanks.

When you pray, you will receive directions and instructions that make bonding easier. 

When you pray, it becomes easier to answer questions from the devil, his demons and, at times (unfortunately so), his human agents. 

When you pray, doubts get cleared. It becomes harder to break the conviction of a dying man. 

When prayer is at the root of your relationship, the fruits that flow from agreement with the Lord and your spouse will emerge- love, joy, peace! 

Why have you scrapped family devotion? 

Why have you stopped praying and fasting once a week with your spouse?

If you are too busy to pray, you are busier than God intended you to be. While you are busy distracted, the enemy is busy sowing the seed of discord. 

It is harder to fight the person you pray for and pray with. 

If God wants to deposit greatness in your marriage, are there buried tanks, or all we have is empty branding? 

©️ *temilOluwa Ola, Eruwa.*


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