Our Daily Manna Devotional 13 September 2023 THAT CONCORDE CRASH! NEVER SAY NEVER!



The manufacturers of the Concorde aircraft, the only super sonic aircraft in commercial use, were surprised beyond mea- sure when in July 2000, an Air France Concorde crashed, killing some 113 persons.

Prior to this, the aircraft had been commended for its over a quarter of a century safety record. Nothing unto- ward had been reported about the Concorde prior to the crash except for an occasion when it burst a tyre on landing.

Commentators said the craft had been surrounded by a myth of safety until that fatal crash years ago. There is a lesson we can draw from the history of this aircraft… 

Sometimes, because of the height we have attained in our Chris- tian race, we feel so confident that nothing can cause us to slip from the way of the Lord.

However, Apostle Paul in Vs. 12 of today’s text, gives a warning that a man who thinks he stands, should take heed be- cause backsliding, compla- cency and compromise are possibilities so long as we are still in this tabernacle (flesh). Yes! NEVER SAY NEVER!

This Christian race does not give allowance for frivolities because the road is so nar- row. We need to pray daily for the guidance of the Holy Spirit this year as we travel along this narrow way!

There is nothing like safety proof or eternal security until you make heaven. Live as if Christ died yesterday and is coming back today. The poem below written by Huisman is instructive:

“Lord, grant me grace daily To walk the straight and narrow way. To do whatever in Your sight Is good and perfect Just and right”

Watch and pray! Be vigilant and be on your guard! If Moses missed the PROMISED LAND, then NEVER SAY NEVER! Never say you cannot fall! Again I am led to declare to you: HOLD ON AND WATCH DAILY! Pray seriously now!


Take Song 1: Amazing grace…

1. In your own words, pray generally on today’s word.

Holy Spirit, lead me through the narrow way until I make heaven. 

I receive grace to overcome! Grace never to run my race in vain. 

4. See the new 2023 DANGEROUS prayer points section of this manual and pray some dangerous prayers today. YOU WILL NOT GO TO HELL!

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