Our Daily Manna Devotional 26 September 2023 TOPIC: REMEMBER EURO 2000 & 2007! HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE?



Note that there are 28 seasons/times in today’s Basic Scripture. There is a time to every purpose or miracle manifestation as far as God is concerned, without prejudice to how many hours or days you have prayed or fasted.

God Himself had to wait for 4,000 years before Jesus was manifested. Abraham waited for 25 years before ISAAC was born! Paul waited for 17 years (Galatians 1:3 and 2:1) before his showing forth came.

Every Life, Church Ministry, Business, E.t.c, Has A “Miracle Reaction Time” And When That Time Is Up, No Devil Can Stop The Manifestation! REMEMBER THIS: Years ago, Germany opened the 2007 Women’s World Cup in Shanghai, China with a shameful play!

People thought they would lose to Argentina! But they won that game with a record-breaking win of 11-0 over Argentina and they ended the tournament very well to the surprise of many!

Thus, they became the only team in the Women’s World Cup history to win back-to-back tournaments. Then REMEMBER 2000: Europe crumbled under the firing power of France at EURO 2000 after 22 days of soccer frill and thrill.

But the real story was that, it took France only 52 seconds to the end of the match to make history.

It was unbelievable! Italy was leading 1 – 0, till 52 seconds to the end of match when France scored 2 goals to win with 2 -1. Listen! When your time for a miracle has come, only a second is enough for God to bring your miracle forth.

The problem is, we find it difficult to wait! We have everything worked out in our little brain computers. 1 Chron. 12:32 says: “The children of Issachar were men that had understanding of the times.”

We ought to be like them daily. It took one day for the man at the pool of Bethesda to be healed after 38 years of frustration (John 5:1-9). Your day is coming! There is a time to every purpose. Wait for your time and let today’s DIVINE MANNA FOOD make a difference!

Don’t envy others whose times have come. Your generation shall see your manifestation! Just a second can make the difference. Wait on the Lord! Again I say: Wait on the LORD! Every INSULT and MOCKERY will be turned to RESULTS this year in Jesus name! Pray seriously now!


Take Song 1: Amazing grace…

In your own words, pray about today’s word as led now.

Any plan to extend my miracle and manifestation time, receive frustration NOW in Jesus name.

Lord, accelerate my manifestation season concerning the following issues of my destiny (Mention them now and pray seriously). 

Thank God for answered prayers! Use the Prophetic Declaration page.

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