Our Daily Bread Devotional October 29, 2023 Topic – You Can Trust God


Bible in a Year:

Jeremiah 18–19

2 Timothy 3

Those who know your name trust in you.

Psalm 9:10

Today’s Scripture : Psalm 9:7–10


When my cat Mickey had an eye infection, I put eye drops in his eyes daily. As soon as I placed him on the bathroom counter, he’d sit, look at me with frightened eyes, and brace himself for the spurt of liquid. “Good boy,” I’d murmur. Even though he didn’t understand what I was doing, he never jumped off, hissed, or scratched me. Instead, he would press himself closer against me—the person putting him through the ordeal. He knew he could trust me.

When David wrote Psalm 9, he’d probably already experienced much of God’s love and faithfulness. He’d turned to Him for protection from his enemies, and God had acted on his behalf (vv. 3−6). During David’s times of need, God hadn’t failed him. As a result, David came to know what He was like—He was powerful and righteous, loving and faithful. And so, David trusted Him. He knew God was trustworthy.

I’ve cared for Mickey through several illnesses since the night I found him as a tiny, starving kitten on the street. He knows he can trust me—even when I do things to him that he doesn’t understand. In a similar way, remembering God’s faithfulness to us and His character helps us trust Him when we can’t understand what He’s doing. May we continue to trust God through the difficult times in life.

By: Karen Huang

Reflect & Pray

Recall a tough situation when God showed you His love and faithfulness. What else did you learn about His character? How can this encourage you today?

Father, You’re always faithful. Help me trust You. Let difficult times draw me closer to You.


The NIV footnote on Psalms 9 and 10 tells us they “may originally have been a single acrostic poem in which alternating lines began with the successive letters of the Hebrew alphabet. In the Septuagint they constitute one psalm.” Psalm 9 provides a musical notation that it’s to be sung “to the tune of ‘The Death of the Son.’ ” Apparently, this was a tune known to the Israelites at that time. Other psalms with musical notations include Psalms 22, 45, 56–60, 69, 75, and 80.

Psalm 9 can be divided into two parts—praise and proclamation. David gives thanks and praise to God who’d rescued and protected him from his enemies in response to his prayers (vv. 1–6). The psalmist also proclaims and exalts God as the Sovereign King who “rules the world in righteousness and judges the peoples with equity” (v. 8).

By: K. T. Sim

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