Our Daily Manna Devotional 25 September 2023 TOPIC: THE LAST MINISTRY OF JESUS! -3


Verse 10 of today’s first scripture says: “And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, ‘Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.”

We established in yesterday’s devotional, THE ACCUSATION MINISTRY OF SATAN! He reminds God of your sins. But why should satan remind THE ALL KNOWING GOD of the sins of Joshua the high priest? Why should satan accuse Moses even at death and come to contest his body?

Why is satan reminding THE ALPHA AND OMEGA of your sins today? Could it be that God is not aware of your sins and compromise? Is God not interested in how you live your life? Oh!

No! God knows everything and sees all things both in secret and in the open. Yes! He is a God of JUSTICE and JUDGMENT! But each time you sin, the BLOOD OF JESUS shows up to delay the judgment of God. So, satan comes to remind God that you are a sinner and should be punished, but God sees and hears the BLOOD OF HIS SON JESUS speaking for you.

See also THE LADY AND THE CULTIST odmdaily

Oh! Jesus had died and resurrected but His Blood is still speaking. The speaking Blood of Jesus is a ministry of Jesus that will last with the church age. Our second scripture Vs. 34 reveals: “Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.” Wow! INTERCESSION! Jesus has finished His assignment on earth but He has NOT finished His overall assignment.

If He had finished, He would have allowed Mary Magdalene to embrace Him after His resurrection, but there was a higher assignment in heaven (John 20:15-17). His present assignment is to help you make heaven. Oh! His last assignment is to pray for you. Yes! THE LAST MINISTRY OF JESUS IS THE MINISTRY OF INTERCESSION! So, while HIS BLOOD is speaking, HE ADDS HIS VOICE TO IT! Ah! THE BLOOD AND THE VOICE IS THE LAST MINISTRY OF JESUS!

The Holy Ghost wants you to know that Jesus is praying for you day and night to silence and invalidate the day and night accusation of satan. Oh! Thank you Jesus! I LOVE YOU LORD! That means you cannot end up a failure.

That also means if you miss heaven, you are to blame. To continue in sin is to frustrate the last ministry of Jesus concerning you. When you consciously commit or live in sin, you make Jesus regret ever dying on the cross and when the grace and the mercy of God expire, ‘HAD I KNOWN’ will be the LAST SLOGAN!

If you wilfully or mistakenly commit sin and your heart does not prick you, and there is no godly sorrow which worketh repentance in you, then your salvation is questionable and the ACCUSER will never depart from your dwelling.

Be wiser than your accuser, pursue holiness and always be quick to make peace with God and with man! I decree that any evil diary recording your faults and being used as an accusation file against you, shall be wasted and destroyed by the Blood of Jesus. HEAVEN AT LAST!


Take Song 2: When the roll is called…

Thank God for today’s word and pray as led now.

Thank the LORD for HIS MINISTRY OF INTERCESSION towards you now.

Repent from ways in which you have frustrated the LAST

MINISTRY of Jesus now.

LORD, ‘HAD I KNOWN’ will not be my LAST SLOGAN in Jesus name.

O God, Jesus did not SHED HIS BLOOD in vain; let the accuser be silenced now in Jesus name.

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